Knowing in advance when bank holiday dates fall can be really handy when securing a good self catering accommodation deal. We’ve made it easy for you by outlining below the key holiday dates for 2016. Bank holiday dates often get booked before other dates in the year and often, being the early bird, can mean large discounts too!
They say the early bird catches the worm. That could be you!
UK Bank Holiday and School Holiday Dates for 2016
New Year’s Day | Friday, January 1st |
February School Half Term | Saturday 13th February to Saturday 20th February |
Good Friday | Friday, March 25th |
Easter Monday | Monday, March 28th |
May Bank Holiday | Monday, May 2nd |
Spring Bank Holiday | Monday, May 30th |
Spring School Half Term | Saturday 28th May to Saturday 4th June |
Summer Bank Holiday | Monday, August 29th |
Summer School Holiday | Saturday, July 23rd July to Saturday 3rd September |
Autumn School Holiday Break | Saturday October 24th to Saturday November 1st |
Christmas Day | Sunday December 25th |
Boxing Day | Monday December 26th |
Christmas Day Holiday | Tuesday, December 27th |